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“Party Members Setting Example for Waste Sorting” Themed Party Activity Successfully Held
( Source:KTC   /   Send time:2019-07-15 )

To further promote the waste sorting efforts, the “lead by example” effect of the party cadres were enhanced to increase the promotional efforts for daily waste sorting and to increase the pro-activeness of residents to sort their waste. On July 14, in the morning, the “Party Members Setting Example for Waste Sorting” waste sorting advocacy and education event of the “July 1st Series of Events” was held at the Bantian Street Party Community Service Center. The KTC Party Branch actively responded to the Party’s call to action and participated in the “waste sorting” popularization and promotional training work.

Working Together as a Society to Contribute to Green Development

During the meeting, the party comrades listened attentively to carry out a series of important instructions regarding waste sorting given by Party General Secretary, Xi Jinping. The goal is to enable more people to understand the significance behind waste sorting, and to promote good habits, while also getting the people around you to take action together, to contribute to the improvement of the living environment, to green development and to sustainable development.

Waste Sorting Awareness Advocacy and Answering Various Questions

The Bantian Street Party Community Service Center also launched the “Party Members Setting Example for Waste Sorting” training and seminar event, to explain to the different types of waste, the necessity for waste sorting, and the requirements of waste sorting. Using popularized knowledge advocacy, games and interactions, party comrades learned the importance of waste sorting, and became more effective in their actions and achieved better results.

Joining the Litter Cleaning Volunteering Service and Consolidating the Results of Learning

In order to consolidate the knowledge that was learned, the training instructors organized the party members into groups to go to Yinhushan to collect litter in the vicinity and sort the waste after the talk. Practical action was used to put the teachings to use and to turn knowledge into action.

After the event, everyone unanimously stated that they will support waste sorting with practical actions, and practice the idea of “waste sorting, starts from me” in their daily lives, and set an example for waste sorting, resource conservation, environmental protection. Starting from yourself, your family, your surroundings, and now, everyone should make an effort to clean the environment to co-create a beautiful and green home.

“Party Members Setting Example for Waste Sorting” Themed Party Activity Successfully Held

“Party Members Setting Example for Waste Sorting” Themed Party Activity Successfully Held

“Party Members Setting Example for Waste Sorting” Themed Party Activity Successfully Held

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