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Modèle de coopération commerciale:
1. JDM (Joint Design Manufacture, conception conjointe et production réalisée par KTC);
2. EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services, les matériaux fournis par le client et la production réalisée par KTC);
3. Entreprendre de CBU (unité complètement construite, machine complète), SKD (semi-démonté, pièces semi-vrac) ou CKD (complètement démantelé, pièces en vrac).
Joint Design Manufacture
Customers and factory joint design development, make the best of their advantages to defined product, and provide complete solutions. That is KTC involved in the process of customer research and development, design the product, after both parties design the product, KTC take a small batch trial-produce and validation, and customer improve the products according to the test result, then manufacture by the factory, and sale by customer.

For example, joint design and development product's appearance, joint design motherboard by both parties, etc.
Electronics Manufacturing Services
Customer develop electronic finished products or semi-finished products, and provide all BOM materials, factory only charge processing fees. KTC build special customer-supplied material warehouse, organize personnel to arrange production and testing according to product's feature and corresponding process requirements, and in charge of corresponding manufacturing process.
Quatre modes (JDM/ODM/OEM/EMS)
disponibles en CBU, SKD ou CKD
1, CBU:Completely Built Unit
Export the machine to customer's country directly, without any processing or assembly.
2, SKD:Semi Knocked Down
Shipment in the form of semi-finished products, and assembly by the factories in customer's country, which is suitable for SKD import tariff lower than CBU countries.
3, CKD:Completely Knocked Down
Shipment in the form of all knocked down, and patch, assembly by the factories in customer's country, which is suitable for CKD import tariff lower than SKD, CBU and have better ability to manufacture countries.